Purchase Solar Panels from Simple Power

Own Your Home Solar System and Battery Storage

In times of increasing uncertainty, now’s your chance to take control. Simple Power is here to help you design a custom solar system that meets your family’s unique energy needs. We believe home solar panels and battery storage should maximize quality, efficiency, and affordability. When you design your solar system and battery storage with Simple Power, you can enjoy peace of mind with clean, reliable back-up power on your terms. You may also qualify for solar incentives and potentially build property value.

Why Buy a Home Solar System with Simple Power?

Industry-Leading Solar

Expect the best. Our home solar panels are backed by industry-leading warranties so you can enjoy clean, high-quality power that’s made to last.

Expert Solar Support

We’re here for you every step of the way. From paperwork to permits, our experienced Solar Advisors can handle all aspects of your home solar system installation.

Get Solar Incentives

Solar incentives, like federal and state tax credits, solar rebates, and sales and property tax exemptions, will go directly to you.

Life-long solar benefits

Get best-in-class solar and storage

Take control over rising energy costs

Qualify for the 30% federal tax credit

Discover the incentives in your area

Frequently Asked Questions

With our system purchase plan, you’ll be able to buy a home solar system outright through Simple Power. When you purchase your own system, you’ll directly receive the federal and state solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates for which you are qualified.

Figuring out if your home is good for solar relies on several factors, like where your house is located, the angle of your roof, roof shading, and how old your home is.

In order to understand if your home is suitable for solar, get in touch with one of our Solar Advisors. They’ll run a personalized analysis of your home with BrightPath™, our proprietary solar design technology. We’ll only recommend solar if it’s the right fit for your home energy needs.

Every household will need a different number of panels based on how much energy it uses, the climate in the area, and how much direct sunlight hits its roof.

We’ll figure out how much power a system will need to produce to power your home during your free consultation.

Solar panels can last anywhere between 25 to 30 years, sometimes more. This doesn’t mean that the panels on your roof will stop producing electricity after a couple of decades. It just means their energy production will decrease by what solar panel manufacturers consider optimal to meet the average household’s energy needs. With proper care and maintenance, you can expect to receive significant solar benefits for the next 20 to 30 years.

Solar panels could help you build home value. Fortunately, since most states offer property tax exemptions for home solar systems, you may not need to pay extra for the potential value your system adds to your home. Going solar is the gift that keeps on giving!

Studies show that owning solar panels could potentially increase your property value. For example, solar homes in California sell for $20,000 more on average, while solar homes in other states sold for about $15,000 more. With numbers like that, you could likely recover the cost of your system if you decide to sell your home. So you’ll not only enjoy clean, reliable energy, you’ll rest easy knowing that you made a smart investment.

Once you’re approved for a solar installation, your home will undergo a site assessment so our expert Solar Technicians can work on and present your system design.

After that, our Solar Design Experts will make any necessary adjustments to your solar design and get your final approval. Once it’s approved, we’ll submit your design to the city for permitting, which can take up to eight weeks. From there, either Sunrun or one of our local certified partners will perform your solar installation. We only partner with the top-rated solar installers, so rest assured that you’ll end up with the highest-quality solar installation possible.

When your installation is complete, the city or county will perform a final inspection of your system. Once it’s approved, it’ll be connected to the grid, and we’ll submit your documents to your utility company. After your utility company grants Permission to Operate (PTO), you’ll be ready to power your home with the sun.

See the states where Simple Power is currently available and which solar incentives might be offered in your state. Some of the most common solar incentives include state tax credits, property and sales tax exemptions, Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), and solar rebates from your local utility. No matter which state you live in, you may also be eligible for the federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) when you purchase your own system.